Home Renovation Singapore: Tips For A Better Kitchen

A kitchen is one of the most frequently used spaces in a home, and it can be a place for both utility and enjoyment. Today, more homeowners are choosing to upgrade their kitchens to include modern appliances, redesigned layouts, and new furniture. If you’re considering going through with this kitchen renovation Singapore project, here are some tips that will help you make the best decisions for your kitchen’s design.

Why renovate your kitchen

The kitchen is the center of the home. It’s where families gather to prepare and eat meals, socialize with guests, and entertain friends. Achieving a great kitchen is about more than just aesthetics, it’s about the way you live your life. From high tech countertops to space saving storage, upgrading your kitchen can greatly improve your quality of life.

The next time you find yourself reflecting on your current kitchen situation, ask yourself what you could do to make it better. 


How can I make my kitchen better

A kitchen is one of the most popular rooms in the house. It happens to be a place where we spend a lot of time preparing, cooking and eating meals. And even when we’re not in the kitchen, we often think about what we could make or eat for dinner.

The kitchen is where our food comes from, so it makes sense that it would be the center of many conversations, especially among people who love food. This makes it a perfect topic for a blog. Here is a step-by-step guide to kitchen renovation.


The planning stage is also the time to determine the project’s scope. Scope, also known as extent, can range from a simple cosmetic refresh to tearing down walls and reconfiguring your layout. Somewhere in the middle is fairly typical, but it all depends on the goals you’ve set for your kitchen.

Choose the right color

Choose the color of your kitchen cabinets based on how it will make the room feel, just as you would in your living room. This is largely due to the amount of natural light in the room and the location of the kitchen. So, if you’re designing a kitchen extension with the dining and living areas looking out onto the garden and the kitchen units at the darker end of the room, light-colored cabinetry will reflect light around back into that part of the room, making it feel larger. 

Choosing the right color for kitchen cabinets isn’t just about light. Choosing a grainy wood finish for your cabinets will add texture and interest to an otherwise featureless room – perhaps a contemporary extension with no period details.

Kitchen cabinet

Prefers to prioritize cabinets over flooring because she prefers the clean look this method provides. When it comes to function, however, flooring first is perfectly acceptable. Just keep in mind that depending on the cabinets you order, delivery can take weeks, if not months, so plan ahead of time.

Kitchen storage

It’s not just a matter of having enough storage space, you should also make sure you choose the right kitchen storage for your needs. Good storage for small kitchens can make or break your space, so pay close attention to these details.

Kitchen lighting

Kitchen lighting should be planned early on during the extension design stage or when you’re thinking about the layout of your kitchen. Task lighting is a given, but don’t forget about ambient lighting, dimmable options, and eye-catching pendants: your kitchen shouldn’t just be about how it functions, how it looks while you’re eating or socializing in it is also important.

Install the backsplash

The kitchen backsplash is a functional component of your renovation Singapore that has the potential to really shine in terms of design. Hopefully, you picked up your backsplash supplies while you waited for your countertop to arrive, so you can get started as soon as it arrives.

Consult a professional interior designer in Singapore

You might have a picture in mind of what your ideal kitchen would look like. But when it comes to designing your own kitchen, the options can be overwhelming and you may not know where to start your home renovation Singapore.

There are a number of online services that will allow you to select an interior designer, but choosing one is key. You want to choose a designer that you feel comfortable with, who understands your taste and vision, and who will take the time to really get to know you.

ObbioConcept believes your kitchen should be the heart of your home, and the heart of your family. A place where food is shared, laughter is loud and memories are made.

We design kitchens that make you fall in love with cooking again! Our Singapore kitchen renovation isn’t just functional spaces for chopping and prepping.


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