5 Brilliant Tips To Make Your Bedroom Lighting Feels Amazing

If you have ever had trouble falling asleep or staying asleep at night, then you know that getting enough sleep is one of the most important things in life. But a lot of people don’t know that a lack of sleep is a contributing factor to a wide range of health issues. 

In this article, I’m going to give you some simple but effective tips lighting ideas on how to turn your bedroom into a haven through your bedroom lighting hat you will actually look forward to being in. 

Layering the lights in your bedroom lighting ideas

The first step in finding your lighting ideas is to figure out what type of lighting you want to use in your bedroom space. You need to determine if you need task, ambient, or accent lighting. Once you know the types of lighting you need in your space, you can start building the proper balance for your lighting scheme.

This is a good time to start planning your lighting ideas because once you get started it will help you see where you are going and how much space you need to fill. Start by looking at the room you are working in. Are there windows that can be used to light the room? If so, are they large enough to be used for the task lighting you will need? Once you have determined what type of lighting you need, you need to figure out where it needs to go. This is easier than you may think. Lighting should never be placed where you cannot reach it. It also needs to be easy to turn on and off. You want it to be close to where you work, but not in your way. 

Ambient bedroom lighting ideas

As you begin to develop your lighting scheme or lighting ideas, start out by creating a base that will give you enough light for day to day tasks. You’ll want to create a strong base of general lighting ideas that should include at least one window. Also, you’ll want to add in some accent lighting ideas. This should include something soft for mood lighting ideas and something bright for tasks like reading or watching television.

For artificial lighting ideas, direct lighting is best achieved through ceiling fixtures or through portable, like floor lamps. Both lighting types will provide a sufficient amount of illumination for activities that don’t need bright, focused light.

Task bedroom lighting guide

When trying to read, work, or apply your makeup you may want to consider adding some focused task lighting ideas to your desk area. Traditional desk lighting isn’t the only way to provide focused task lighting, which is why it’s often found in the bathroom or kitchen.

Consider using lighting ideas for bedside table lamps, low hanging pendants on either side of the bed, sconces, wall mounted task lights on either side of a headboard or other directional lighting placed above it.

The bedroom task lighting ideas can essentially take on any form, as long as it offers ample lighting needed for sustained concentration. Beyond its design and location, a task light’s functionality also resides in its bulb. A bulb is a simple component that is the main unit for a light.

Accent bedroom lighting ideas

Accent bedroom lighting guide can help draw attention to objects, but it can also enhance the mood and create a cozier atmosphere. In the bedroom, accent lighting ideas on its own can act as a subdued version of ambient lighting, creating a pleasing glow and drawing attention to objects within the room.

Utilizing recessed lighting is a great way to brighten the room without blinding the occupants of the home. The benefits of recessed lighting extend beyond just the bedroom, and can be used in any room of your home, from the kitchen to the bathroom to the living room.

Choosing the right bulb for your bedroom lighting 


As you layer your bedroom lighting, it’s also important to consider the type of bulbs you’ll use for each fixture. Depending on the bulb’s lighting intensity and the color it emits, it has the potential to positively or negatively affect the way you function during and after a given activity. This type of thing should be put to consideration for your lighting for bedroom.

But before you set out to hunt for any old bulb lighting for bedroom, you’ll want to figure out your preferred brightness level lighting for bedroom, or lumens in your Singapore Bedroom. When choosing a new bulb, look for a setting that corresponds to the amount of ambient light in your home.

After determining the maximum light output of your bulb lighting for bedroom, you will want to consider what type of bulb you are going to use. CFLs are very easy to control using a standard dimmer, as are some low-voltage LEDs.


Lighting for bedroom plays an important role in our lives in so many ways including in bedroom lighting, and in fact light bulbs are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to understanding how and why we need to pay attention to light.

As white and blue lights have been shown to promote alertness, they are the perfect color combination for daytime use in the office or home. They are also great for nighttime use to help you sleep well and fall asleep easily. Blue and white lighting suppresses the production of melatonin, which is why they’re great for winding down and relaxing in the bedroom.

On the other hand, warmer lights aren’t as effective for increasing sleep quality. In fact, they might even decrease it! Because the body’s natural circadian rhythm is set by exposure to light, exposure to warm light can interrupt our circadian rhythms.

With the evolving functions of the bedroom comes the need for proper lighting to support these functions. Between appropriate lighting layers, dimmers and suitable bulbs, getting these aspects right is a sure-fire way to ensure a comfortable lighting situation in your bedroom. That is why you should pay attention to your bedroom lighting guide. 

Common bedroom lighting guide service in Singapore

Kitchen and bathroom light installation

When it comes to designing your kitchen and bathroom, it’s important to remember that lighting can be just as important as your appliances and fixtures. 

Living room and bedroom lighting installation 

These days, many people are using light fixtures to add more style to their rooms. These lights can vary from simple to complicated and even customized according to the type of room that they are used in.

Outdoor and garden lighting

This service is used by millions of households across the country including in Singapore. These lighting fixtures can be found in a wide variety of shapes, sizes, colors and styles. They can be hung from poles or walls, placed on the ground or mounted to vehicles. Many of these lighting fixtures are manufactured with a plastic housing that houses the electrical wiring and components. The lighting fixtures are usually attached to a wall or a pole using screws, nails or other fasteners.

Don’t worry!

ObbioConcept as one of the experienced interior design services in Singapore could help you with your bedroom lighting guide scenarios and difficulties for your interior design Singapore. If you want to renovate your room lighting in a simple, easy, and fast way, you can also get ObbioConcept’s services for this purpose. We have the best team of interior designers that are expert in their field and are well-versed with the latest trends and techniques. 





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